Animal Tracker
Redhill Chambers
High Street, Redhill
Surrey. RH1 1RJ.
Tel: 01279 219777

©2025 all rights reserved.
Animal Tracker is a trading name of
PeddyMark Limited.

Animal Tracker registration for dogs.Animal Tracker registration for dogs

How do I add vaccination records?

Breeders and Subscription Pet Keeper Account holders can add and view vaccination records.

Vets, Welfare and other authorised accounts can view these records also.

Please log into your account and click on the animal's name under 'Your Animals' [pictured below].

You will be taken to a new page all about your animal [pictured below].

Scroll down until you see the section below and click 'View Vaccination Records'.  

(Don't forget to add your vet's details too, as these will be shown as a back up for reunification if your animal's microchip is searched and you cannot be reached).

You will be able to view any vaccinations already recorded. To add a new one, click 'Add a New Record'.

Depending on the species of your animal, you will see a drop-down of vaccination options.  Once selected, you will then see a dropdown of vaccination brands.  Certain species will have an area where you can manually enter this.

If you are a breeder, or if you are a pet owner who is happy for these records to be passed to a new keeper in the instance the animal is re-homed, or visible to a Vet or other authority, then you may wish to tick the box, highlighted below under 'Privacy Terms'.

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